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  • A World-class University and a Department with that Prioritizes Research

National Sun Yat-sen University is one of the world-class universities that has been chosen for special development by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan, and thus receives extra funding. Our department works to constantly update its teaching facilities and equipment, purchases software and related databases, invites experts and scholars to conduct lectures, and arranges internship opportunities for students based on this support.

We have also built a behavioral finance simulation laboratory, which cannot only enhance the quality of student research with the aid of new software and up-to-date databases, but also expand student career opportunities by strengthening their practical abilities.


  • Regularly Conducting International Conference

A Conference on the Theories and Practices of Securities and Financial Markets has been held every year since 1992, for which we invite outstanding scholars to share their work and views in order to promote related research. There are generally around 200 participants each year, and this conference is now an important platform for the presentation of papers written by academics working in the field of finance from around the world.


  • Academic Research and Practical Activities

Our department conducts numerous academic activities, including the presentation of academic lectures, financial analysis workshops, and practice-related seminars. We also cooperate with many businesses, as seen in events such as the Fubon Financial Seminar, Polaris Financial Seminar, SKbank Seminar, and ESUNbank Seminar. By learning from both practitioners and scholars, students can enhance their professional skills and knowledge, thus making them more competitive when they enter the workplace.


  • Develop Students’ Talents Internationally and Widely

National Sun Yat-sen University also provides students the opportunity to study abroad, such as through an international student exchange program and short-term study trips. We currently have partner schools in America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. There are a total of 103 schools in 33 countries that our students can apply to, with many successful applications and often fellowships.

The interdisciplinary courses that are offered include business management programs, financial engineering programs, international business English programs, and music & art management programs, enabling students to follow their own interests and establish a second area of expertise, thus further improving their competitiveness.